This lawsuit challenges a school voucher plan devised by the 道格拉斯郡 School 董事会 with the approval of the Colorado State 董事会 of Education, to funnel tax dollars allocated for public education to private schools, 包括私立宗教学校.

科罗拉多州的sbobet篮球, the National ACLU Program on Freedom of 宗教 and Belief, 以及美国人联合起来争取教会分离 & 州政府向丹佛地方法院提起诉讼, asserting that 道格拉斯郡's “Pilot Choice Scholarship Plan" violates Colorado's Public School Finance Act, 以及州宪法的几个部分. The voucher program provides taxpayer funds to private and religious schools that will use this money to provide an education—including religious education and services—with little or no government oversight.

此外, the program plans to claim that the (up to) 500 students enrolled in it are still "public school students" for purposes of collecting state tax dollars, most of which will then be sent directly to the private school. 参与该项目的19所学校中, 14个是宗教徒, and three of secular schools only teach students through the 8th grade.

The ACLU lawsuit was consolidated with a lawsuit brought by Taxpayers for Public Education. 

After an evidentiary hearing, the Denver District Court issued a preliminary injunction. 在科罗拉多州上诉法院受挫之后, the plaintiffs prevailed in a 4-3 decision of the Colorado Supreme Court in 2015.  2016年初, the 道格拉斯郡 School 董事会 attempted to reinstate a modified version of the voucher program. ACLU lawyers obtained an order enforcing the earlier preliminary injunction.  In 2016, the United States Supreme Court vacated the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling and 命令科罗拉多州高等法院重新考虑 鉴于 哥伦比亚三一路德教会诉. 来的人, 582 U.S. 449 (2017).    That reconsideration was interrupted by the election of new members of the 道格拉斯郡 School 董事会, 哪个国家在2017年底取消了这个受到质疑的项目.  






蒂莫西·麦克唐纳、马修·道格拉斯(阿诺德 & Porter); Mark Silverstein (Colorado ACLU); Americans United for Separation of Church and State (Ayesha Khan, Alex Luchenitser); sbobet篮球的国家 Project on 宗教 and Belief (Heather Weaver, 丹·马赫)